‘Halloweekend’ is a raucously celebrated event, especially on college campuses. Despite being a holiday marketed mostly for children, costumes, and trick-or-treating, partying and drinking culture in the last decade has become much more prevalent in adults. This is especially true on college campuses.
Does St. Olaf’s dry-campus policy change the way Halloween is celebrated here, compared to other schools? I interviewed a few students to find out what their plans for this weekend are. Two St Olaf students talked with me about what they’re getting up to this weekend, which school sponsored events they’re attending, and where they are going from there.
“This weekend I went to the drag show on Friday with some friends, then ended up with some other friends at the townhouses. Saturday, I went to the Black Party concert and then went out with my friends to the houses, and hopped between a few of them,” said an anonymous St. Olaf student.
Another student shared their plans, “yeah, this weekend, I went to the drag show on Friday night, and then went to a dorm party. And then Saturday I went to another dorm party with some friends, which we kept a bit more low-key.”
I also talked with a friend who attends the University of Minnesota, and is a member of one of the many fraternities on campus. He shared with me what his plans for the weekend were.
“Friday night my frat threw a party, which was an open invite for anyone to drop by. It got pretty wild, especially with all the houses on the row throwing. Saturday morning was the tailgate for the football game against Rutgers, so we were all up pretty early, then out again Saturday night.”
He went on to share what the weekend usually looks like, “it’s one of the busiest times of the year, party wise. Frat row is flooded, and the bars are packed.”
It seems college students will take any excuse to go out and party, regardless of their institution’s alcohol policy. Stay safe, and happy Halloween.