Evan Atchison ‘26 is an anomaly. You can often find him percussing up a storm in Christiansen Hall late into the night or scheming up a fantasy sports league strategy with his friends. For a student heavily involved in the music scene at St. Olaf, Atchison is a well-balanced individual. Double-majoring in history and quantitative economics, he always manages to find time to study, practice, and rehearse. On top of that, he finds time to keep up with his favorite sports teams, hang out with his friends, and plan out fun-colored outfits every day. All of this is at the cost of sleep, most likely. After all, there is no rest for the talented music students at St. Olaf College.
Before starting his first year at St. Olaf, Atchison planned on earning a degree in music. However, he realized that music was more of a hobby than a career. As a first-year student, he would describe his time thus far in the music department as strenuous but rewarding. He learned so much including how to rework his entire technique and balance his new life as a college student. His favorite aspects of being part of the Norseman band and Philharmonia are messing around with other percussionists, eating dinner with them on Wednesdays, and performing in the homecoming concert. In that concert experience, he realized all the possibilities ahead of him as a student musician. Though being part of Norseman and Philharmonia are huge steps up from his high school band, Atchison welcomes the challenge and hopes to be part of the St. Olaf Band someday.
Outside of music, his interests fall mainly within sports. He is a huge supporter of the Kansas City Chiefs, Sporting KC Soccer, and Arsenal Football Club. On the weekends, he’ll wake up at 6 a.m. to watch a European football match or stay up late for an NBA game, depending on the season. As an avid sports fan, Atchison is also part of the Sports Analytics Club here on campus. In the future, he aspires to get a doctorate degree – or three – as well as accomplish numerous other dreams of his.