The latest battle fought within Congress was appointing a new speaker of The House of Representatives. I was initially disinterested during this ongoing debate because I saw it as another counterproductive move in an already unaccomplished Congress. In fact, the previous speaker, Kevin McCarthy, was thrown out by members of his own party for being “too willing to compromise” with the Democrats. It seems in the past decade that compromising is unacceptable within an incredibly polarized congress.
These past few weeks, after three failed nominees — Steve Scalise, Jim Jordan and Tom Emmer — and the House’s inability to get anything done without a speaker, it’s probable that representatives were eager to get back to work because the vote for nominee Mike Johnson was almost unanimous.
Facilitating remarks delivered on the House floor and deciding which bills get voted on are only two of many important duties the Speaker of the House is responsible for alongside being one of the most influential members of Congress and second in line for the presidency. For these reasons, it is important to be informed on our newest Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson.
First, who is Mike Johnson? He is a 51-year-old Republican representative from Louisiana serving his fourth term since 2016. Johnson has been called a “right wing extremist” and may be the most conservative speaker of the house in the history of the United States. He holds strong oppositions to issues such as abortion rights, same-sex marriage, federal funding for education on topics such as LGBTQ+, aid for Palestinians, and supports second amendment rights and former president Trump in his efforts to overturn the 2020 election. He has called President Biden “mentally weak” and “corrupt.” He also could be attempting to enact laws which would make it harder to vote out any future Speaker of the House.
In Johnson’s first interview, he stated that his policy and worldviews are dictated by the Bible and his Evangelical Christian views. However, his past as a constitutional lawyer contributes to the respect he has for the law and the Supreme Court. He acknowledges that some of his views run counter to the law and claimed that his opinions would not be imposed onto others. This claimed respect for the law could offer those who disagree with his extreme views some peace of mind as he takes on this powerful position. However, Johnson opposed a core tenet of the American government, which is the peaceful transfer of power. What will happen if Trump loses the 2024 election and Johnson remains in the most powerful seat in the House of Representatives?
Overall, Mike Johnson’s obscurity may have been a major factor in his success with the vote for Speaker of the House. He could be the Republican representative’s next secret weapon. He may be easily persuaded, in part due to his lack of experience in a leadership position. He could become a sort of “player” for the more powerful Republicans to order around and get what they want.
Ryan Brentner is from Iowa Cita, Iowa. Her major is undeclared.