Northfield City Council voted against passing a permanent ceasefire resolution calling for an end to the Israel-Hamas War. Following numerous calls to a permanent ceasefire resolution from community members, Northfielders for Justice in Palestine (NJP), and St. Olaf College’s Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), the city council convened on April 16 at 6:00 p.m. for a meeting with a permanent ceasefire resolution added by Council Members George Zuccolotto and Davin Sokup to the agenda.
The resolution asked for the ending of the Palestinian genocide in Gaza as well as all forms of violence. Several council members voted no or abstained from voting. The permanent ceasefire resolution was not passed.
Following the council’s decision, the room was filled with voices of disapproval and statements such as “shame on you” by supporters of the resolution and NJP and SJP members. In a written statement, a member of St. Olaf’s SJP said, “We will not give up. We gave these so-called people power and for sure we can take it from them. They have blood on their hands. They are complicit in genocide.”
Despite the city council meeting result, St. Olaf SJP and NJP will continue to host meetings and events in support of the end to the Israel-Hamas War.