I’m currently writing this article in my favorite study spot — the sixth floor of Regents Math. Since discovering this incredibly underrated area earlier in the semester, I’ve never returned to the sixth floor of Holland for my early morning pre-exam study sessions. And, with the exception of the fifth floor of Rolvaag, I’ve never written a paper in a quieter place than the sixth floor of Regents. Disregarding the occasional weird noises produced by the building, of course, but that’s honestly part of the charm.
The top floor of RMS is really like that of Holland… but better in every way imaginable. In Regents, you’ll always be able to sit wherever you want, which is something I’ve found untrue in many other study spots around campus. There’s a lot of light and color, which I feel is lacking in the Holland Loft and Rolvaag Library, specifically. Windows line the sides of both walls, and are accompanied by either comfy benches or tall chairs and desks looking outside — with a great view of campus, no matter what direction they’re facing!
As nice as the windows are, though, my favorite place to sit on the top floor of Regents would have to be the chairs with built-in desks. They’re super comfortable, and there are enough of them that it’s easy to study with a friend. There are also a few larger tables accompanied by chairs and blackboards, and plenty of board games on the shelves around the room, in case you need a break from your studying. Last but certainly not least, this tiny top floor has not one, but two clean, single-person bathrooms. Really, what more could you ask for?
As much as I want to “gatekeep” this study spot that somehow seems relatively unknown, I’d definitely recommend checking it out! Although I’m not sure if it’ll be busier during finals season, I plan to spend a good portion of reading day up on the sixth floor of Regents Math finishing up papers, studying for exams, and maybe even playing a board game or two with my friends.
Annie McMullen is from St. Paul, Minn. Her majors are environmental studies and Norwegian.