Picture this: rays of sun streaming through your window. The soft twitter of birds on the rooftop. You yawn awake and realize: you made it through winter! And wasn’t it a doozy? “Spring has sprung,” says the $3 cup in the dollar section of Target. I personally like to celebrate with a nice run through the pollen-filled Natural Lands, but that isn’t for everyone. Here’s a few more:
Jump rope with a friend or by yourself.
Hopscotch — chalk or a really hard rock required
Drive with the windows down through the neighborhoods and look for the prettiest flowers
Visit the park right down Ole Ave
Stargaze. Try SkyView Lite in the App Store!
Set up a hammock
Make a pretty chalk mural. Residence life oftentimes has chalk, ask your local RA
Get together with friends and make friendship bracelets outside
8.A simple walk across the Quad
Volunteering to pick up trash outside, on or off campus
On a real note, sometimes us students get so engrossed in our class work and career development that we forget to look up. We forget to take a deep breath of non-Rolvaag air and look at the newly bloomed dandelions in front of Ellingson. Even if nature isn’t really your thing, you still benefit from being in it. So next time your religion paper is getting to you, consider a moment outside. When your scientific poster seems so daunting, sit in an Aderondack chair and giggle at a squirrel looking for her food cache. Enjoy the beauty of your surroundings! I promise, it helps.