There once was a young girl named ‘Lucky’
and all of her friends called her ‘Plucky’
but one rainy day, when she went on her way,
she stepped on her best rubber ducky.
‘My ducky!’ she cried, as it squeaked and it squawked
and the air slowly filled it back up
and although it took time, the ducky was fine
so the girl gave the duck to her pup
The pup gnashed and clawed with his sharp teeth and jaws
till the ducky was torn up to shreds,
and the little girl found it was strewn all around,
with ducky and spit on her bed.
‘Oh, puppy!’ she cried, with tears in her eyes,
‘you’ve torn up my best rubber duck!’
and from that moment on, she cried all day long
and she swore she was all out of luck.